It was beautiful and sunny. There were lots of geese and ducks.
I then went into a novelty shop. I browsed around for awhile. I saw a lot of things I wanted, but knew I didn't need. Even more so, I saw a lot of gifts I wanted to get for my friends. But I know Kevin doesn't need a foam football that looks Jake from Adventure Time, Von doesn't need a stuffed animal that looks like a Miyasaki character, Andrea doesn't need a book on how to make wacky animals out of socks, or does she?
But then I thought, "Hey, maybe they have Flux!"
Well, they didn't. I asked.
But, they did direct me to the bookstore Kevin told me about, Aunties Bookstore. (Though Kevin didn't know the name.) A part of Aunties Bookstore is Uncles Games! (I know, the name choice has a slightly sexist undertone. Game stores are known for being very male dominated. Labeling that store as your male uncle, not going to help those stereotypes.)
Anyway, I went into Uncles and bought two Adventure Time Mad Libs! And I bought Eco Flux!
It was a good day.
Umm, I think that Andrea might really NEED that book...